Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic

Upper Cervical Care

Atlas Orthogonal is a gentle specific adjustment to correct the position of the first cervical vertebra. Proper alignment reduces pressure on the body's nerve system and restores normal biomechanics. Although the upper cervical chiropractic adjustment is light force, the result can often be felt throughout the body. 

Chiropractic and Biomechanics

The Atlas is the top bone of the spine and directly supports the head. Orthogonal means at right angles, or square. The Atlas should be sitting level, or square, on the cervical spine (neck), and the head should be square on the Atlas. When the Atlas is in proper alignment, it literally means your head is on straight!

Misaligned spinal bones (vertebrae) cause compression, tension, irritation and damage to the nervous system. This condition is referred to as subluxation and can affect parts of the body distant to the misalignment.

How Atlas Orthogonal Works

With the Atlas Orthogonal technique, the correction starts with very specific digital x-rays taken at Enliven Chiropractic. The films are analyzed and the exact misalignment is determined.

From this information, the vectors are calculated for the gentle correction. The instrument stylus lightly touches the patient then applies a portion of the sound wave to the Atlas (1st cervical vertebra) in order to make the appropriate adjustment. The instrument allows the doctor to adjust the Atlas misalignment with a very high degree of precision while applying minimal physical pressure. This unique feature eliminates patient discomfort during treatment.

Following the initial treatment, the doctor confirms the subluxation correction through x-ray analysis.

About the Atlas Orthogonal Adjusting Instrument

The Atlas Orthogonal precision instrument was designed to deliver a precise chiropractic adjustment based on the specific misalignment findings from your x-rays. The instrument delivers a percussion sound wave through a metal stylus with a measured force of approximately 3.5 pounds of pressure.

The stylus which lightly touches the patient then applies a portion of the sound wave to the Atlas (1st cervical vertebra) in order to make the appropriate adjustment. The instrument allows the doctor to adjust the Atlas misalignment with a very high degree of precision while applying minimal physical pressure. This unique feature eliminates patient discomfort during treatment. Following the initial treatment, our doctors may confirm the subluxation correction through x-ray analysis.

Upper Cervical Care in West Virginia

Dr. Leonette is one of a handful of upper cervical chiropractors in West Virginia. He was awarded Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist (B.C.A.O.) by Sherman College of Chiropractic in 2014.