chiropractic, migraines Dr. James Leonette chiropractic, migraines Dr. James Leonette

Help for Migraines without Drugs



Migraine headaches can be one of the most debilitating condition. The Migraine Research Foundation found:

  • Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households includes someone with migraine.
  • Over 10% of the population - including children - suffers from migraine. That's more than diabetes and asthma combined!
  • About 18% of American women and 6% of men suffer from migraine.
  • Migraine tends to run in families. If one parent suffers from migraine, there is a 40% chance a child will suffer. If both parents suffer, the chance rises to 90%.

Attacks last 4-72 hours and can have a host of accompanying symptoms, including throbbing pain on one side of the head, visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, extreme sensitivity to sound, light, touch and smell, and tingling or numbness in the extremities or face.


A recent study published in Journal of Upper Cervical Research documents the effectiveness of correcting the position of a misaligned C1 vertebra in reducing migraines. The study, The Care of a Teenage Girl with Migraine Headaches with the Advanced Orthogonal Procedure: A Case Report, examined the effectiveness of Advanced Orthogonal, a technique I have extensively trained in during and after chiropractic college.

If you are having head issues, including migraines, Enliven Chiropractic may be your source to a better life. Schedule an acceptance interview with me to see if you are a good candidate for the Advanced Orthogonal technique.

Yours in health,

Dr. James Leonette

Enliven Chiropractic | Bridgeport, West Virginia | (304) 933-9355

Enliven Chiropractic is a state of the art chiropractic center in north central West Virginia dedicated to improving the health of entire families. We serve patients from Bridgeport, Clarksburg, Fairmont, Morgantown and beyond with a lighter touch. We love the complicated neurological cases, including fibromyalgia, sciatica, migraines, chronic headache and face pain. 

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chiropractic Dr. James Leonette chiropractic Dr. James Leonette

BOOM!!! I Just Got Rear-Ended...OUCH!!!

Car accidents are a leading cause of whiplash injuries, resulting in muscle tears, sprains, ligament damage and chronic neck pain, Enliven Chiropractic is set up to find, document and treat these injuries. Even low speed collisions can cause significant damage.

We are currently accepting a limited number of auto accident / personal injury patients. If you or someone you know was recently injured in a auto accident, please contact us to a patient acceptance interview.  

"Out of nowhere, this car smashed into me"

Imagine sitting at Joyce Street exit stoplight in Clarksburg enjoying your favorite song. Relaxed and feeling the spring sun on your face. Then out of nowhere you hear squealing tires and then feel a booming jolt forward. Your car rattles and then your chin smacks your chest and then is thrown back into the headrest in less time than it takes to blink.

Whiplash Results

In whiplash, the neck straightens from its normal curvature. This change results in the joints wearing out faster.

In whiplash, the neck straightens from its normal curvature. This change results in the joints wearing out faster.

Car accidents like this one are way too common and can lead to long term injuries even if there is not an immediate onset of pain. Whiplash causes tears in the muscles and ligaments. Often times, other structures including nerves, discs and bones are also injured. Left untreated, many of these injuries lead to long term chronic pain and underlying damage. Even low speed collisions can cause significant damage.

Document and Treat Your Whiplash at Enliven

Enliven Chiropractic is set up to find, document and treat these injuries. Our state of the art clinic boast a J-tech system and digital x-ray ensures proper documentation and the most up to date collection of chiropractic and physiotherapy tools for your treatment. Our goal is to get you healthy as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Dr. Leonette is currently accepting a limited number of patients that were injured in auto accidents. Due to the complex nature and extensive documentation required, a patient acceptance interview is necessary to ensure proper care. If you or someone you know was recently injured in a auto accident, please contact us to a patient acceptance interview at (304) 933-9355. 

Sources for Whiplash Data

  1. Injury with Low-Speed Collisions by Dr. Jeffery Tucker
  2. Minor crashes and 'whiplash' in the United States. by Bartsch AJ1, Gilbertson LG, Prakash V, Morr DR, Wiechel JF

      Contact Us

      Dr. James Leonette | Enliven Chiropractic | 103 E Main St Bridgeport, WV | (304) 933-9355

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        chiropractic Dr. James Leonette chiropractic Dr. James Leonette

        Are You a Chiropractic Coward?

        Ever been told NOT to see a chiropractor? That's the same as me telling you to take Codeine for a headache...

        Have you ever wanted to try Chiropractic but hate the thought of having your neck twisted? There are many techniques in the Chiropractic field that work extremely well, but many of us prefer a lighter touch. During my studies, I found that instrument assisted adjusting produces the same, if not superior results to hand adjusting techniques. 

        Over the last 9+ years, I have studied and practiced a state-of-the-art technique called Atlas Orthogonal, which uses a gentle sound wave to deliver the adjustment. Brain wave balancing adjustments are followed up with a handheld instrument called an Activator.

        If you are searching for a gentle approach to chiropractic or have been told by a non-chiropractic physician that you can never be adjusted, call me for a consultation at (304) 933-9355. I've seen thousands of patients, many with cervical (neck) fusions, scoliosis, osteoporosis, MS and other states.

        Chiropractic is about improving health, not treating disease. At Enliven, we aim to do that with the least amount of force necessary.

        Dr. James Leonette | Enliven Chiropractic | (304) 933-9355

        Chiropractors are skilled physicians and must meet rigorous standards to demonstrate their manual adjusting skills. All 'twisting' techniques taught at Chiropractic colleges are within the physiologic limits of the body and have ample evidence to support their therapeutic benefit. While I do not personally utilize these techniques, they do have merit and I recommend that every person seek Chiropractic care to prevent illness and rehabilitate after injury.

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