Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

The 5 (non) Secrets to Health

Is there a formula to better health that we can use as a template to create less pain and suffering and more health and wellness? Read on to find out. 


girls telling secrets

Is there a formula to better health that we can use as a template to create less pain and suffering and more health and wellness?

Most people would admit that they could be doing more to help themselves to be at their best – often, people just don’t know what to do to increase their chances at good health and peak performance.

Experts agree that there are five areas which contribute to a better quality of life, and if you put all five to work for you, you can be one of those who seem to enjoy an insurance policy against disease and illness, and feel good the lion’s share of the time.

1. Eat Well

Our diets are usually too heavy in sugar and processed foods, and not rich enough in live natural foods like fruits and vegetables. We all have a slightly different body, but all of us need less poison in our blood and more nutrition. Learn to eat properly, and when necessary, supplement with natural substances that are harder to get in the foods we eat.

Whether you get them through foods or through supplements, there are five essentials you must find a way to include in your daily intake. You need vitamins and minerals for regular body function. You need fats or oils for healthy skin and good nerve system function. You need greens to keep the acid/alkaline balance in your body, to reduce inflammation, and you need a probiotic to keep your body eliminating toxins effectively.

Habits like these will reward you with a better body chemistry and better health overall.

2. Reduce your stress

Easing your mind and body by not taking problems so seriously and by building yourself up with a positive outlook is a good start. The way you communicate to yourself plays a major role in your stress levels – be as objective as possible, not making things more painful in your mind than they have to be, and also not ignoring or overlooking circumstances that need attention.

From there, you can use practices like yoga, meditation, exercise or prayer to reset yourself and avoid the negative impact of stress. It’s an ongoing commitment, but one that pays off in developing a positive mental attitude.

3. Sleep soundly and enough

Animals sleep up to 70% of their day – for humans, it’s often 25% or less. This is usually because we are over-programmed, or think we are, and sleep is one of the first corners we cut, not realizing the detrimental effect it can have.  Establish a sleep rhythm where you go to bed and wake up at the same times each day, and then evaluate if you are getting enough sleep once you have done so. Some people even like to take a nap during the day – experiment to see what works for you.

If your sleep equipment is old, worn or insufficient, replace it with a better bed – choose a mattress with the right firmness for your taste. Remember, you’re going to spend a significant amount of time in your bed – don’t skimp, invest in good quality and it will reward you in comfort and durability.

4. Move your body

If you don’t use it, you may lose it, so plan to walk, swim, stretch, or some other physical activity at least a few times each week. Besides eliminating stress, it gets your circulation going, strengthens your muscles, and it’s fun, too.

Each individual’s need for exercise varies, but most experts agree that at least three thirty-minute sessions weekly is a good start. Adapt your exercise schedule to your needs and your tolerance, pushing just hard enough but not too hard.

5. Maintain your body

Commit to doing good things for yourself and avoiding bad things. You only get one body – if you wear it out, where are you going to live?

Develop a team of health and wellness professionals who can advise you on these and other important lifestyle decisions. Pick doctors and health advisors who are consistent with your views and beliefs on health and wellness.

Dr. James Leonette | Enliven Chiropractic | Bridgeport, WV

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Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

These 5 Basic Actions Take You to Vibrant Good Health

Ask a group of people where they hold their stress, and you’ll get a variety of answers. Some carry it in their stomach, some in their head, some in their neck and shoulders, and some in their low back. Ask them how they deal with stress and you're likely to get the same variety of answers. We have compiled a list of five easy action steps to assist you in managing daily stress and lead you to vibrant good health.

There are five basic action steps you can take to encourage glowing, vibrant good health. These five keys to vitality are simple, easy to implement, and cost very little to apply. Let’s look at each of these health habits and see what it would take to improve the quality of our lives.

The first key is proper breathing – air is free, but many of us don’t yet capitalize on one of our most  important nutrients, oxygen. Air is needed for all aspects of body function, yet most of us could benefit from adding a few simple breathing exercises to our daily routine.

Try this – breathe in deeply for a count of three, and hold it for a count of twelve. Then, release the breath to a count of six. This style of breathing rejuvenates your metabolism, and feels great. Do ten of those every morning, and you’ll go a long way toward refreshing your cells with their most essential nourishment.  

Your second key is food and water – in addition to the gaseous fuel breathing provides, you need solid and liquid fuel as well. Eat a blend of wholesome foods, balancing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and listen to your body to tell you the best proportions, and when during the day each suits you best. Drink a lot of water – at least half an ounce for every pound of body weight. Your metabolism requires it.

Your third key is sleep – at least seven to eight hours each night. Make your sleeping space as dark and as quiet as possible. Choose a bed and pillows with the right firmness and shape to sleep comfortably on your back or side. And if you miss sleep for some reason, make it up as soon as possible. Your brain maintains itself during sleep – do your best not to cut corners here.

Your fourth key is movement. This can be vigorous exercise, like running, swimming, or sports, or it can be more subtle, like yoga, t’ai chi, stretching or walking, but the purpose is to get your body into motion. This improves your blood circulation and keeps your muscles fit and functional. If you don’t use it, you could lose it, so get moving and you’ll feel better and look better.

The fifth key is to invest in body maintenance, both in discovering the best strategies for you to establish as lifestyle routines, and building a team of wellness professionals to advise you and help you pursue the best health possible. Nutritionists, body workers, personal trainers, yoga and martial arts instructors, life coaches and of course doctors of chiropractic can each play a significant role in helping you live your best quality of life. Keeping your brain fit with meditation or energy balancing also keeps your mind-body connection operating at peak efficiency.

So how can you sculpt this information into a game plan for vitality? Start with the shape of your day – if you’re aiming for seven hours of sleep, and you have to arise at 7 AM, then you know you have to be in bed by midnight. If you weigh 160 pounds, you need about ten eight-ounce glasses of water every day – that’s two in the morning, two in the evening, and two with each meal, for example. If you need to get started with an exercise program, start with three thirty-minute sessions each week, walking, stretching or some other low impact activity until you get used to the stresses of repetitive movement. Pick some aspect of this five-point plan and build yourself up in that area before you move on to others. 

Use Dr. Leonette as an adviser in building your wellness team – he can provide suggestions about lifestyle choices and other professionals you could consult.

If you’re really serious about living with optimal vitality, these few simple habits can make all the difference for you – try it and see for yourself!

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Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

Fight Obesity by Feeding Your Kids this One Supplement

The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics has published significant research linking deficiency of a vitamin to childhood obesity. Dr. Leonette recommends supplementing your children with this supplement to ensure their optimal health. 


The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics has published significant research linking low Vitamin D levels with obesity in children. Vitamin D is more of a hormone than a true vitamin. The Mayo Clinic states that Vitamin D has a significant effect on energy levels, absorption of calcium, building strong bones, lowering high blood pressure, preventing cancer. 

The source is as important as having the right level. Vitamin D is fat soluble, so it does build up in your system. Too much and you end up toxic, too little and a whole host of symptoms and disease states.

Lets look at the sources:

  1. Sunlight - this is the most optimal. However, West Virginia is a poor location for Vitamin D exposure due to high level of overcast skies and geographical position. At the 39th latitude, we are far north of the optimal southern regions for sunlight exposure in winter months, a major source of Vitamin D. In summer months, 5-15 minutes of sun exposure to arms and legs is enough to meet the body's requirements. 
  2. Milk - A dose of 2 IU (International Units) per cup is minimal. With all the negative health effects of dairy, I would be hesitant to make any recommendation to drink milk as your source of Vitamin D. 
  3. Supplements - Two things have to be correct with this. The dose and the source. Dose is determined from blood work. We recommend that you are 40-60 range. Most patient results are in the low 30's. The doctor determines the dose, frequency and duration to improve your overall Vitamin D levels.

Source - I am extraordinarily picky about the source of Vitamin D supplementation. With many of the store brands found to be adulterated, I only recommend brands that I have evaluated from a compliance standpoint.  

At Enliven Chiropractic, we offer a high quality Vitamin D supplement and can order lab test if very low levels are suspected. Call me and I'll be happy to provide you with our recommended product lines. 

Dr. James Leonette | Enliven Chiropractic | Bridgeport, WV

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Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

How is Your Brain Working?

Did you know that the vertebral artery makes four 90 degree turns around the C1 vertebra (Atlas) before entering the skull? Wouldn't you like confirmation that this critical bone is in its proper alignment?

Did you know that the vertebral artery makes four 90 degree turns around the C1 vertebra (Atlas) before entering the skull? It is responsible for providing blood supply to the brainstem and 11 of the 12 cranial nerves. Reduction of the blood supply can lead to drooping eye lids, trigeminal neuralgia, face pain and other head symptoms. 

If a vertebral subluxation causing reduced blood supply is suspect, care should be taken to properly identify and correct the position of the C1 vertebra to ensure optimal blood flow. Enliven Chiropractic utilizes an advanced chiropractic technique called Atlas Orthogonal to determine the C1 position in three planes and correct the alignment with a gentle percussive force. 

Look for a more detailed explanation on vertebral artery compromise and its related symptoms on our website, www.enlivenwv.com, in the next few days. 

In health,

Dr. James Leonette  | Enliven Chiropractic | Bridgeport, WV

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chiropractic Dr. James Leonette chiropractic Dr. James Leonette

Are You a Chiropractic Coward?

Ever been told NOT to see a chiropractor? That's the same as me telling you to take Codeine for a headache...

Have you ever wanted to try Chiropractic but hate the thought of having your neck twisted? There are many techniques in the Chiropractic field that work extremely well, but many of us prefer a lighter touch. During my studies, I found that instrument assisted adjusting produces the same, if not superior results to hand adjusting techniques. 

Over the last 9+ years, I have studied and practiced a state-of-the-art technique called Atlas Orthogonal, which uses a gentle sound wave to deliver the adjustment. Brain wave balancing adjustments are followed up with a handheld instrument called an Activator.

If you are searching for a gentle approach to chiropractic or have been told by a non-chiropractic physician that you can never be adjusted, call me for a consultation at (304) 933-9355. I've seen thousands of patients, many with cervical (neck) fusions, scoliosis, osteoporosis, MS and other states.

Chiropractic is about improving health, not treating disease. At Enliven, we aim to do that with the least amount of force necessary.

Dr. James Leonette | Enliven Chiropractic | (304) 933-9355

Chiropractors are skilled physicians and must meet rigorous standards to demonstrate their manual adjusting skills. All 'twisting' techniques taught at Chiropractic colleges are within the physiologic limits of the body and have ample evidence to support their therapeutic benefit. While I do not personally utilize these techniques, they do have merit and I recommend that every person seek Chiropractic care to prevent illness and rehabilitate after injury.

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nutrition Dr. James Leonette nutrition Dr. James Leonette

Look at My Lab Results | Dr. James Leonette

I had lab work done the late part of last week on Jan 8. After two vials of blood, a urine test and physical assessment, I eagerly awaited the results. I got good news at the very beginning.

I had lab work done the late part of last week on Jan 8. After two vials of blood, a urine test and physical assessment, I eagerly awaited the results. I got good news at the very beginning. Blood pressure 120/64; resting pulse was 50! 

I received the test results this morning. Out of the 27 blood tests, I scored beyond perfect. 26 of the tests were within the reference range. One exceeded Quest Diagnostic's limits and I am ecstatic about that one. The test highlighted in orange is for HDL cholesterol. HDL is considered the good cholesterol and helps to remove plaquing on the walls of arteries. The higher the better in this case.  

Here's my secret. Eat well and exercise intensely for short periods.

My exercise programming involves cross fit and recreational soccer. The staff at Ronin Fitness on Old Bridgeport Hill is amazing at setting up programs to meet your physical level.

My diet includes a healthy dose of butter, bacon, beef and eggs. However, quality is very important; organic butter, grass fed beef and eggs are mostly from free range chickens. This diet provides a generous amount of cholesterol that powers the brain and is an important building block of hormones. I supported these nutrients by reducing the amount of inflammation causing anti-nutrients in my body, specifically gluten. I am now working on reducing other inflammation causing anti-nutrients oxalates, phylates and lectins.  

With laboratory numbers like these, I am assured that chronic inflammation and its related diseases like obesity, diabetes and GERD are staying away. I feel great, move great and want to help others achieve this level of health success. If you need help modifying your diet, resoring balance or reducing inflammation check out our new Clinical Nutrition site.


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Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

Its Snowing...Be Safe Shoveling

Prevent snow shoveling back injuries with these easy steps! 

man shoveling snow off roof

Its the first day of real snow in Bridgeport. Snow shoveling is one of the more common causes of back injuries this time of year. Be safe these types of injuries are preventable. 

Follow our simple tips to avoid low back injury 

Warm Up First

Tight cold muscles are more prone to injury. Loosen your muscles and joint by moving them in 10 clockwise circles followed by 10 counter clockwise circles. Start at the wrists, go to the elbows then to the shoulders. Follow up with the ankles, knees and hips. Warm up the core with a brisk walk or marching in place. 

Pick the Right Snow Shovel

A curve handled ergonomic shovel helps take some of the effort out of snow removal. A small, lightweight, plastic blade helps reduce the amount of weight that you are moving.

Shoveling Tips & Technique

  • Keep your back straight. 
  • Avoid excessive bending and twisting.
  • Lift only what you can: Heavy, wet snow may require smaller shovel loads.
  • Take rest and stretch breaks. If you become overly sweaty, dizzy or short of breath, it’s important to stop and take a break. If you continue to feel ill, or suspect a serious medical problem, seek emergency help right away.
  • Push the shovel from the edge of the handle, shift body weight from back leg to front leg instead of bending at the waist. Keep your knees bent.

For information about Enliven Chiropractic or proper ergonomics, call (304) 933-9355. 

Bridgeport Weather Snow

Bridgeport Weather Snow

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Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

Jet Lag Treatment without Pills

Tapping is an effective method for dealing with Jet Lag and traveling through various time zones. This blog has useful resources for identifing the proper points and timing.

Reset Your Biological Clock


Our bodies have an internal biological clock that is based on a circadian (24 hour) rhythm.  There is a complicated series of hormone releases that influences everything from feeling alert and strength to bowel movements. 


Our busy stress filled days can play havoc on this rhythm. Most of Americans rely on on the caffeine in coffee to manipulate their body cycle. Caffeine alters more than your perceived alert level, a 2011 NIH study documents that effect of caffeine biological markers and the expression of disease.  Even environmental factors can influence your body's schedule; according to Harvard Medical School, energy efficient lighting has an effect on our system. 

Natural Jet Lag Self Treatment

Sound advice is to establish a regular sleep pattern and reducing caffeine consumption. Sometimes our bodies need a jump start. one of the best tools I've found involves stimulating a series of accu-pressure points on the body at specific times. I used this system extensively when I had to travel internationally in my previous career.  It was designed for jet lag but can help to restore your body to a normal rhythm.  The system involves a series of tapping specific points on your body on certain times. Dr. John Amaro does an excellent job explaining it on his website.  http://www.iama.edu/JetLag/JetLag.htm

Dr. James Leonette | Enliven Chiropractic | Bridgeport, WV

Serving Clarksburg, Fairmont, Harrison County and north central West Virginia

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Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

Chiropractic with a Gentle Touch

Have you ever wanted to try Chiropractic but hate the thought of having your neck twisted? There are many techniques in the Chiropractic field. At Enliven Chiropractic, we utilize a state-of-the-art technique called Atlas Orthogonal. The primary adjustment is delivered with a gentle percussive force (sound wave) with the patient laying on their side. After the adjustment, your body is given time to rest and acclimate to this new alignment. 

If you are searching for a gentle approach to chiropractic or have been told by a non-chiropractic physician that you can never be adjusted, call me for a consultation. Our gentle approach is great for children, adults and seniors. 

We have video of the chiropractic adjusting technique on our Atlas Orthogonal page.  

Dr. James Leonette | Enliven Chiropractic | (304) 933-9355


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Dr. James Leonette Dr. James Leonette

Chiropractic for Mental Health

For the better part of four decades, treatment of the mentally ill was
a highly-motivated discipline within the chiropractic profession. At
least a half-dozen substantial institutions existed, which emphasized a
positive treatment approach in a no-nonsense atmosphere, and with
considerable individual attention to the patient.

Chiropractic is about treating the person, not a particular body part. While this profession has been closely associated with low back pain, that is just one symptom that a balanced frame and clear nerve system helps to improve. In fact, chiropractic psychiatric hospitals existed that helped patients with mental illness. 

From the 1920s to 1960s, multiple chiropractic sanitariums  existed to treat mental illness. The most well know were Clear View and Forest Park. The history is fascinating, check our the article for more information. 

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